kirk frost

Another Feelings Dump

What’s up y’all?  While I wouldn’t expect a return to regular posting just yet, I do have some stuff on my mind that I need to get out of my system.  So what better place?

This list is not at all in order of importance.

1) Coping (How to Fail at It) featuring Trash

You all have to know what’s going on in Ferguson, MO at this point.  I’m not here to recap it.  I’m not even here to argue the facts.

I don’t have the strength to point out how all of this is because Black people and their lives are denied value in America.

You should already know that no matter what you wear, no matter how many degrees you have, no matter how much you avoid being “stereotypical,” you’re still just another black person.  When the chips are down, you can be shot.  They will get away with it.

We all know that this teenager is going be criminalized and smeared in the media, because any minor discretion is just another reason his life didn’t matter.  You’re constantly going to be reminded that any fault in his character justified his murder.

We all know that clueless assholes are going to idiotic statements.  Newscasters will say to use “water cannons.” The killer will talk about how his life has ended too, even though he’s at home on paid leave.  New Blacks are going to talk about how Black on Black crime and rap music is the cause of all of this.

You’ve already seen someone on your social media try to make it about them with clueless statements, incorrect information, and a general ain’t-shit demeanor.

Truth is, I’m tired.  I’m trying to deal with all of my outrage, my inability to create meaningful change, my inability to protect people I love from the same fate.  There’s not a day where I don’t think, “I’m blessed to be alive.”  I haven’t done anything to deserve it.  But I am.  Instead of productively letting it out, I’m just stewing in my anger and hopelessness.  It’s making me feel ugly inside and preventing me from enjoying the day-to-day.  I don’t want to be around people because all I want to do is talk about it and be angry.  I don’t have the luxury of taking off and being alone until I’m able to face regular society again.  I’m trying to just plow through life in order to sit home in the dark and think about this situation.

There’s no comfort in knowing that no matter what I do, no matter what advice I give my nephew and niece, no matter how many books I read, and no matter how polite I am, my life means nothing if a White person so deems it.

2) Taylor Swift

I haven’t really raged against the Swift in recent moments because she doesn’t really have a song out and she hasn’t been publicly dating anyone.  Not so lucky for me and the rest of the world, she released “Shake It Off.”


I’m not going to link because she’s not getting a single view on my behalf.

But this is tangent to the first point.  The root of my hatred of Taylor Swift (and Jennifer Aniston) is that for my money they represent peak whiteness. This isn’t a critique of every white person (again, I should not have to say this) but of the dominant American culture.  I’ll let Omarosa take over…


Where a “wholesome” and “sweet” girl who are just “hassled” are given passes for complete mediocrity because of her perceived girl next door image.  It’s like “Ooh, she’s bland and I can sing better than her.  Give her all my money!” 


Throw in some questionable appropriation moments and her absolute refusal to sing on key and it’s already terrible.

But this song has a message of “SUCK IT HATAZ” for critiquing her image.  So she’s shaking off any criticism of her bland, mediocre, white bread music and image that appeals to middle-of-the-road, “put-upon”, middle class America. The very same America that is notably quiet whenever an unarmed Black man is killed in cold blood.

For me, this song is the essence of “First World Problems.”  And this is not the day, the week, the month, nor the year for this shit.

Sure, that may seem like a reach for some readers, but think about it this way.  Think back to a time where you felt depressed or upset over something in your life.  Now somebody you don’t particularly like (a coworker or classmate) comes up gloating about their promotion when you know they do nothing or a great exam score on a test where they have cheated.  You wouldn’t have the time for it.

And that’s what this song is to me.  It’s Taylor Swift singing a song that say “nah nah ni boo boo” to all you minorities for not being White.

Fuck.  Her.

3) Reality TV Thoughts

On a lighter note, Project Runway and Top Chef Duels have come to television.  Since So You Think You Can Dance continues to be pretty terrible, I had high hopes for each of these shows.

Project Runway is about as average as any of the other later seasons with some confounding judging thrown in.  Three of first four episodes have handed out wins to questionable garments. Props to Tom & Lorenzo as the source of these photos.  Also, if you love celebrity fashion, Mad Men, Project Runway, or RuPaul’s Drag Race, it behooves you to frequent their site.  Also, read their book!

amanda1 amanda2 sandhya1 sandhya2

The first two are from comeback contestant Amanda.  Fringe really shouldn’t be a thing.  The second two are from Sandhya.  I like the pink look with the metallic detail, but that poorly dyed, ripped shoulder, frayed edge abomination should have at least put her in the bottom.  No thanks.  That said, I do think that there’s some talent in the cast and the judges seem to be making good cuts.  I have hope that someday Michael Kors will come back.

Top Chef Duels is pretty good!  It’s a lot more low-key than your traditional Top Chef, but it brings back familiar faces and gives them space to be creative.  As a huge Gail Simmons fan, I’m glad she’s a part of the show.  I could live without Curtis Stone, but that’s not my decision.  I hope that the show does well and continues to bring back some great chefs.  (Although, go away Mike Isabella.)

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is finally winding down after a particularly raggedy season.  When Karlie Redd is the source of your most entertaining moments, it’s time to take stock.  Seeing Rasheeda take Kirk back after complete and blatant disrespect for her, their child, his mother, their family, and her image (which is the family business) is not good television.  Seeing Erica and Scrappy be friends is nice for the sake of their daughter, they’ve been complete non-entities since we stopped seeing O’Shea Da Model and The Bambi.  Benzino continues to be neckless and ThiThi is the most obvious case of fame-hungry gold digger we’ve seen since Flavor of Love 3.  Stevie and Joseline’s soap opera relationship is not funny.  Joseline is best when talking shit about other girls, not crying about beefcake and her awful music.  Tammy & Waka are sweet but boring.  Karlie is trash on trash, but at least she gave us more terrible music and Yung Joc’s decision to air our her sexual habits.  Momma Dee & Deb are reliably fun though.

But let’s about Mimi again.  All of Mimi’s struggles, barring the death of her father, are her own doing based on her own choices.  Her absolute refusal to be told that she is wrong only serves to make her look like the weak-willed dingbat that she is. It’s painful to watch her get mad at people when she is forced to reveal her lies.  Like if you don’t want to hear what they have to say, stop going to them.  If you’re going to defend being wrong so vehemently, you’re going to continue to have to eat crow.

To be frank, I’d have cut her off when she accepted Stevie’s car.  Girl, you can’t be over him and accept things that aren’t child support.  Your dependency is showing.

But truth be told, she needs to leave the show.  Nothing has been good for her since it started and now the world knows her for being an idiot who is easily fooled and bought.  Sucks to be you.


4) The Future Looks Bleak

If you haven’t gathered, I’m not in the happiest of places now.  As cliché and standard as it sounds, I’m used to telling myself that it will all work out. It will all be okay. But these two weeks have reminded me of the feeling of despair that I either ignored or suppressed as a part of the move.  It’s that I don’t know the future and not seeing much in the way of encouragement.  It’s not that I don’t believe God has a plan or that I believe I should have all the answers.  It just seems like I keep waking up to bad news. It’s like a nightmare. I want more than what this is for America and for my friends.  I don’t know how to tell them that, being someone who hates only tolerates melodrama/emotions.

That said, I’ll end this with simply.  I care.  I’m not great at letting people know that.  I may not ever say to your face.  But you’re cared about and I want what’s best for your mind, body, and soul.

Stay safe everyone and do your best to maintain positivity in your days.

The Purge with Class, Trash, & Asian Sensation

So I just saw a commercial for the Purge Anarchy and thought that this would be a fun quickie post.  And since Asian Sensation is here, she’s going to join me! The challenge is to come up with the first three people you’re taking out if the purge actually happened?

Let’s get started!

Asian Sensation

1) Rihanna



She’s just a terrible human being.  She can’t really sing.  I don’t love her music.  She’s a cyber bully.  An attention whore.  And I just don’t like her.

Don’t call people “Rice Cake.”  I’m Asian.  That’s racist.

Also, don’t come for Ciara.  THE. END.


2) Miley Cyrus




Also an attention whore.  She needs to stop twerking. White people!  She didn’t invent twerking!  Please cover up your pancakes.  (Her weirdly shaped butt). Stop grinding up on married men.

3) Johnny Manziel


You’re the king of the douchebags.


1) Kirk Frost



The epitome of the ain’t shit men who get away with less than shit.  The kind of simpering, chapped lipped, pleather wearing asshole who eats paste.

2) Ann Coulter



It’s one thing to be an asshole for Cable News checks.  It’s another to continue to speak when your 15-minutes of fame has run out and the only reason we still hear from you is because Twitter is free.

3) Everyone Who Hasn’t Washed Their Hands after using the Restroom.



1) The President of FedLoan 


I’m clearing my debt.  Enough said.

2) Taylor Swift


I’m taking out Taylor Swift.  Stealing her money.  And returning her Grammy for Album of the Year to the right owner.  Beyonce for “I Am Sasha Fierce.”

3) George Zimmerman


Cuz we ain’t forgot.  NUCCA.

Share your list party people!

Let’s Talk: Mimi Faust Does Porn

Happy Monday Readers,

Sorry about the absence. Hope that you all had a super exciting weekend!

So Mimi and her overgrown naked mole rat of a boyfriend have unleashed their “sex tape” porno flick to a flurry of tweets, blog posts, and reactions.


This is after the super trailer for Love & Hip Hop Atlanta was released.

 <div><a href=”; style=”color: #439cd8;” target=”_blank”>Love &amp; Hip Hop Atlanta</a></div>

Now I (Trash) love this show in all of its basic glory. From the moment Joseline sang Bailar and Karlie Redd served us Louis, Prada, Gucci, I was hooked. The show is hilarious and the amount of fuckery this cast exposes is just glorious.

Now Mimi has always come across as a relatively composed, if somewhat weak willed woman. Her stupid relationship with Stevie J and her allowance of the constant disrespect people show her have turned me off. She doesn’t make wise decisions and she puts it all out there on VH1 for the world to see.  This is a woman that let Joseline refer to her as Molly the Maid to her face.

The chase for fame is why we are in this situation now. And that’s what I’m here to talk about today.

Now, I read about this situation on Funky Dineva a few months ago. My first thought was why would a woman with a child willingly participate in a staged “sex tape” with an unsigned “rapper/producer”? The only acceptable reason for me seemed to be that perhaps she couldn’t afford to take care of her daughter.

But here’s the thing, Mimi is still a cast member on a successful and popular reality show. Stevie J, for ALL of his faults, seems to be on the same page with providing monetary support for their daughter. She also has that maid business. Between these ventures, there should be enough coins to reasonably care for her daughter.

That’s what makes this so baffling. This seems like such a poor decision. But it’s one that makes complete sense given her history.

The problem with Mimi, much like many other young parents, is that she has forgotten that her desires and whims should not come before those of her daughter. Her decision to release this tape with a boyfriend while in the public eye simply comes off as a desperate plea for attention and “stardom.”

Let’s be clear, Mimi is not a slut or hoe for having sex on camera. She should not be told she can’t make this decision. There’s a ton of women and men who have done worse for less.

Joseline is judging her like we haven’t seen her with foreign objects in her poonani. K. Michelle is judging her like she doesn’t have grape jelly in her derrière.

That’s not the argument.

That said, we’ve now seen her inner and outer labia and Nikko’s gross face hanging from a shower rod. I’m not a psychic, but I’m 99.99% sure this is not going to make them famous. It’s not going to lead to a record deal. It’s not going to lead to a spin off show. It’s not going to gain any level of fame that she already didn’t have.

But she is going to find that she has lost any sort of moral high ground or position of trust that she had. She is now responsible for explaining this decision and the public’s reaction to this. And had she thought about the repercussions of this for that child, she might have truly thought this through.

What do you all think?  Was Mimi irresponsible or expressing herself as an adult?  Would you do this?  Let us know in the comments below.

You Must Be Out of Your Mind


I’m sorry to keep ranting but who the FUCK made this?

This is literally one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. If you are willing to have sex with a woman under any circumstance, you are responsible for the outcome.  Whether it’s a child or that deadly gonorrhea, whatever happened is the responsibility of both you and the lady.  I am SICK of men trying to duck the responsibilities of raising a child when you are the reason it exists.  It doesn’t matter what the woman did to you, it doesn’t matter what you wanted, you had sex with her and impregnated her.

That child has done nothing to hurt you.  

That child deserves the very best that life has to offer.

You are responsible for providing for that child.

You want to know what prevents pregnancy?  Masturbation.  You want to know what helps prevent pregnancy?  Condoms.  If you don’t have enough self control and enough brainpower to know that the withdrawal method is load of horse shit, you probably should be sterilized.


Stop blaming these women for not wanting to have abortions.

Stop trying to force women to have abortions.

Stop blaming women because you were too stupid to use protection.

Stop blaming women because you aren’t man enough to take care of your kids.

Stop blaming women because you weren’t raised right.




It is 2014!  We shouldn’t have to keep saying this to you.  If you don’t want to have kids, take the steps to prevent pregnancy.  Always use your own non-expired condom (and don’t keep it in your wallet).  Make sure you don’t lay down with any woman who you don’t want to have a child with.  Don’t have sex with just any trick from the club.

You mean to tell me you don’t have enough self control to sleep alone for a night? Weak ass…


Okay, let me calm down.


We live in a world where too many kids are being raised in single parent homes.  The thing about it is that kids should not be forced to live without knowing both of their parents.  Regardless of the circumstances related to their birth. Just because you don’t want to have anything to do with his or her mother, that does not mean the child should suffer because you are immature.

Too many men are running around acting like children because you weren’t raised to own up to your choices and mistakes.  The moment you decide to be sexually active, you have made the decision that you are ready to be a father.  If you aren’t ready for that, you need to take REAL steps to prevent it from happening.  And if it does happen and that woman decides to give birth, you should immediately make changes to take care of your child.  Actively choosing to deprive your child of the very best makes you scum.  As far as I’m concerned, you can burn in hell.  But that’s just me.

I’m going to take my rage out on video games.  Leave your thoughts below.