
You Can’t Have Fear and Faith at the Same Time

Don’t get it twisted…i’m still hitting tricks with bottles because i’m mad. My giving a crap about life tank is on empty…the gas light is on…and I have about one mile left before it dies.

Last night in the middle of kicking my feet in the air and crying, a la this real housewives of atlanta moment…..

Porsha Kick

I decided to revisit my homegirl, Real Talk Kim for some advice. (P.S. Someone let her and Iyanla go around fixing people lives…I PROMISE in a few years, everyone would be happier.)

“Wishing that you would get through this situation isn’t going to get you to get through it. WISHING that your finances would change ain’t gon get you finances better.”

“You gotta get up and help God help you.”


Listen Real Talk Kim brings me to tears and makes me feel like things WILL get better. Trust and BELIEVE I’m hijacking your faith girl. I need it! (Literally as I’m typing this my Mom texted me and said “So it’s no thing cause you have Gods protection around you. They can’t do anything about that!!!!!!” My mother y’all…I love her and need her…I digress)

So dear readers, lets all shake it off. Rock bottom only mean that you can go up, right? (I just hope my climb up isn’t slow…can a brotha catch the elevator to success and abundant happiness?) If nothing else, tomorrow is Friday and that deserves all the praise!!!!

Be blessed….Stay Classy…and Stay Encouraged.

::turns on “The Storm is Passing Over” and enters praise and worship in office::

Bad week? Sometimes you have to use your Grandmomma’s remedy.

Listen. This has been a terrible week for me.


It’s so easy to stay down and trust me i’ve done a lot of laying around being depressed this week/weekend. LUCKILY my Grandma AND Mom (well my whole family)  taught me that when you have no where to turn…there is always Jesus. So i’m staying prayed up today.

I just need to give Tamela Mann the respect she deserves.

My. God.

If she never records another song again…it is okay because “Take Me To The King” ministers to my soul. Every time she sings “Truth is i’m tired”, I have to stop the song and let those words set in.


Want to see a grown man cry and raise his hand in praise in worship? Just play this song and I will weep like a baby. I’m tearing up as I type this. So here is Tamela Mann. God is working through her. Go buy the song. Don’t illegally download but PURCHASE. WWJD? I’ll tell you what he’d do, buy several copies because the song is just worthy of all the praise.

This specific performance has me running around my apartment. Watch the whole thing.

Hope you all have had a beautiful Sunday! Stay blessed y’all!!!!


It’s that time when everyone starts flooding your timelines with what they gave up and what they think the meaning of Lent is. This little ditty was shared with me and I thought I would share with y’all because it is PERFECT.

“Jesus didn’t die with 12 inch nails in Him for you to give up fried chicken for 40 days. Gotta give up stuff like fear, doubt, and worry.”





Any questions?

::drops microphone::


A Moment of Encouragement

Y’all already know how we feel about Real Talk Kim.

It’s only Monday and it’s looking like it will be a long week. I was ready to throw in the towel and plotting my sick day for later in the week. I started writing my post for tomorrow when this popped across my Facebook timeline and I just had to share.

“Some of you are ready to give up…. Stay encouraged & remember – God is working for you tonight! Heaven is holding conversation about you… Angels have been assigned to you! Be at peace!!!”

Yes. God.

When God Says….No.

I hate those moments when you work your butt off for something. You’ve taken your time and done all you can to be the best and you know that you are super prepared to slay the game. You have the confidence, your outfit is flyyyyy, and can’t NOBODY tell you that are not the shit. You knock that audition or job interview out of the park! You go home flipping your hair left to right, have a victory meal, maybe a cocktail, and you go to bed with a damn smile on your face. These days you feel like you have arrived! FINALLY, I’m getting out of the storm.

And then the next day…… God says Nope! Your spirits are completely shattered. You cry, you pout, you kick and scream. It feels like everyone around you is having the perfect day. You cry some more, turn on that inspirational music (gospel for me), and you try your hardest to re-qroup.

I’ve said it here before. Life is hard. Growing up is hard. Finding your place in this adult world is HARD. Getting up after you’ve been knocked down can be one of the hardest things to do. Climbing back up that mountain is rough when you feel like you have no strength left to give. But here at Class and Trash we believe you can get up and do it. So if you’re reading this at night, remember there is a fresh start tomorrow. If you’re reading this in the morning, remember it is never too late to do something to change your perspective and make the day better. Now let’s hope I follow my own damn advice. Dry up those tears y’all. We got this!

My go to song for moments like this! Enjoy!