new life


Morning party people!  I’m feeling renewed after a long and interesting weekend.  But I’m figured it was time to really get back into this thing.  So let’s talk.

Now you all know that I’ve been working on me in terms of finding my inner skinny, becoming more mental healthy, and looking for a boo thing.  And to be honest, I’ve been relatively successful in my short time in Atlanta.  Next week will mark three months since I’ve moved and I’m down 10 more pounds, I managed to snag a date, and I’m not up at night worrying about tomorrow.  This isn’t meant to brag or boast, as I haven’t quite adjusted to all of these changes.

Today, I actually woke up on my first alarm, got out of bed, and went to the gym.  Me!


You know how I feel about working out.  I still hate working out, but I know that it’s a necessary evil if I want to lose weight.  That combined more conscious versions of my favorite dishes have really helped. I’ve even found a brand of Greek Yogurt that doesn’t make me want to hurl.

While that doubt creeps in occasionally yelling “You’re fat, ho!” I know that I’m doing the best I can and not to beat myself up if I decide to grab a taco or burger.

I had a draft post discussing the challenge that friend of the blog, Asian Sensation, came up with last month.  Essentially, the goal was to have someone to flirt with by June 15th, otherwise you would have to go on a date with the first person online who messages you.  My matches are and have always been trash (and not in the good way), so it was imperative that this did not happen.

This has led to me going out SOOOOO MUCH.  By myself even.  And I hate doing that almost as much as I hate working out.  But you know, the efforts have paid off.  I’ve met some really nice people who I could see becoming great friends and even perhaps more.  There’s always a messy element when you’re coming into established groups of friends, but I’m navigating it as best I can.

And lastly, let’s get a bit more serious.  Six months ago, I didn’t even like waking up in the morning.  I hate my job, my face, my body, all of that.  I was at a breaking point.  While I can’t say that I’m fully recovered from that depression, I’m really working to make sure that I see the value in my life and making sure that I try my raise my self-confidence.  I’m still going to meet with a counselor soon, but my hope is that the focus will be on my internal distress and not the environmental factors that drove me batty before.

So that’s the skinny on my life.  I’m on Episode 5 of OINTB and I’ll have my notes once I finish the season.  But needless to say, it’s amazing so far.

Let’s chat.  Have you been working to improve your life this year?  How are you progressing?  What’s your motivation?  Let me know!

Another Day, Another Dollar



Seriously.  This emoji is my entire life.  Like she’s just the perfect reaction to everything.

But on to the post!

Hmm…there’s really not much to say today. I haven’t been feeling particularly inspired these days.  I’m not elated, not miserable, not even sad.  I’m just here.  I’ve started working and it is just fine.  I think that I will like it more once I wrap up the training portion.  Every one is incredibly nice and seems happy at work.  It’s definitely a change but I think it is one that will work.

It’s the same feeling that I had prior to the move.  Where you feel as though everything is in limbo. As I mentioned, I’m a all or nothing person.  So living 50% of what I feel like my life should be really stresses me out.

But other than that, I’m simply okay.  I’m looking forward to getting settled down and also getting my stuff (U-haul…).

Have a great weekend!


Hey People!  I’m sorry that I missed posting yesterday but I was flying down the Atlanta in hopes of being adopted by Tyler Perry.

While I’m not financially supported by Madea’s wigs, I was able to find a new job!

The past few weeks have been one issue after another.  From my car being towed and having get all new tires and lost cards.  It’s been a battle to keep up with all the moving parts of my life but since when did anyone say life was easy??

But a lesson that I learned long ago in the church was that God never puts more on you than you can bear.  And while religion may not as big a part of my life, that is a lesson that I’ve never forgotten.

You have the inner strength to make it through anything. 

You can do anything you set your mind to.


Okay sorry, I got carried away.  But the core of the message here is that you can be happy.  You deserve to be happy.  Don’t sit around waiting for happiness to come to you though.  Do the best you can to find a way to something new.

Now, let the music play!