rick ross

No, My Name Ain’t Baby!

Ms. Jackson, if ya nasty!


Hello Everyone and Happy Friday!

So my mind has been in the gutter lately.  You know basically becoming one of those lustful, cat deddy type of men that Robin was so dismissive of during ANTM Cycle 1.

I don’t know if it is because I have way too much free time right now or I simply want someone to cuddle with.  Either way, my thirst has been out of control.  But the problem is that the ones I’m thirsty for do not live anywhere around me.  I open up that little profile and I see the following:

1) People who look like they haven’t bathed in several years


2) People with interests that lead me to believe they are serial killers


3) People with shirtless pictures who shouldn’t be shirtless.


By the by, I’m not saying you can’t be big and sexy.  Just put your best foot forward in the profile.  

Now I know that my taste tends to run a little…obvious, but I have been attracted to normal guys before.  I just can’t seem to find ones that don’t frighten me who are also interested in me.  I get that I’m not exactly the popular type for the North, but this drought is something serious.  Hell, I almost texted someone from my past, the thirst has gotten so intense.

So I’m opening the floor to you all readers.  What do you do when you find yourself in lust with no partners?  Are there dating sites where people know to clean their mirrors before taking a selfie?  Is there anyone interested in simply getting to know each other before swapping nudes?

Let me know in the comments!  Like now.  Thanks.